Monday, August 20, 2018

A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL Free Download -

A Snipers War (2018) Web-dl

Releaser Info :
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL Free Download
Movie Description : 
A SNIPERS WAR is the story of Deki, a sniper whose anti-US views led him to join the pro-Russian rebels in the ongoing Ukrainian conflict-a primary source of tension between the United States and Russia. When social media becomes a communication platform to schedule sniper duels, Dekis rival threatens to kill him. The filmmaker obtains unprecedented access to military bases and frontline battles. She collected hundreds of hours of footage to paint an intimate portrait of the complex and fascinating nature of a sniper. Is Deki simply a man searching for purpose? A victim of historical events? Or is he a criminal, a terrorist, and a vicious killer?
Movie Name : 
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL
Category : 
Latest New Hollywood Movies (2018)
Genre : 
Starcast : 
Unknown or Not Available
Release Date : 
26 June, 2018
Duration : 
1 hour 26 minutes

A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL Full Movie

A Snipers War (2018) Web-dl Part 1.mp4
File Name: 
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL Part 1.mp4
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL
File Size: 
73.36 Mb

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A Snipers War (2018) Web-dl Part 2.mp4
File Name: 
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL Part 2.mp4
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL
File Size: 
72.23 Mb

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A Snipers War (2018) Web-dl Hd.avi
File Name: 
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL HD.avi
A Snipers War (2018) WEB-DL
File Size: 
222.28 Mb

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